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The product object


ParameterData typeDefaultDescription
item_numberstringThe item number of product. This is unique accross your account
namestringThe name for this product
descriptionstringnullA long description for this product
subbrand_idintnullSubbrand of the product
collection_idintnullCollection of the product
metaobject{}An object with {"key": "value"} with custom meta data of the product. This is used for storing custom fields
categories.*If eager loadedAn array of object category
variants.*If eager loadedAn array of object variant


ParameterData typeDefaultDescription
skustringThe SKU of the variant. This is unique accross your account
attributesobjectAn object with {"key": "value"} with the attributes of the variant. This will be Colors, Sizes, etc.
eanstringnullThe barcode for this variant
metaobject{}An object with {"key": "value"} with custom meta data of the variant. This is used for storing custom fields
pricesobject{}An object of prices for the product. Prices should be keyed by their currency code



Prices should be keyed by their currency code. E.g.

"DKK": {
"sales_price": 100
"EUR": {
"sales_price": 10

This would add a DKK price and a EUR price to the variant.

ParameterData typeDefaultDescription
sales_pricefloat0The wholesale (WHS) price of the variant. This price is used for B2B orders
rec_sales_pricefloat0The rec retail price (RRP) of the variant. This price is used for B2C orders. This price is also used for B2C integrations like Shopify and Woocommerce.
offer_pricefloatnullA special temporary offer price for B2B orders. When this price is not null it means that it should be used instead of sales_price. Also the B2B shop in Traede will show the percentage difference between sales_price and offer_price as "savings" when buying the product. Use this property to put a variant "on sale" for B2B orders
b2c_offer_pricefloatnullA special temporary offer price for B2C orders. When this price is not null it means that it should be used instead of rec_sales_price. We will also use this property to put the variant "on sale" in B2C systems like Shopify and Woocommerce. Use this property to put a variant "on sale" for B2C orders