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Get customers

Endpoint: GET /v10/customers

Available nested resources for including: customerGroups

This endpoint will fetch a list of B2B customers

Data of response

customers.*YesAn array of customers


customer_numberYesThe customer number of the customer. This is unique accross your account
nameYesThe name of the customer
currencynullThe currency of the customer. NOTE: If this is blank it falls back to country settings
countrynullThe country of the customer. This is automatically updated whenever the primary address of the customer changes
discount_percentage0The discount percentage of this customer
vat_numbernullThe VAT Number for this customer
ean_numbernullThe EAN Number for this customer (used for EAN invoicing)
notesnullOptional fixed notes
emailnullPrimary contact email (not to be confused with billing_emails)
telephonenullPrimary contact telephone number
websitenullThe website of the customer
billing_emails[]Billing email(s) of the customer. Orders, invoices, etc. will be sent to these emails
meta{}An object with {"key": "value"} with custom meta data of the customer. This is used for storing custom fields