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Production orders

Production orders in Traede represent inbound orders that are to be received and put into stock in the WMS. Below is a description of the parameters of a production order.

Get production orders

Endpoint: GET /3pl/production/orders/delivery-notes

Available properties for filtering: supplier_id, created_at, updated_at

Data of response

production_order_delivery_notes.*YesAn array of production order delivery notes
totalYesThe total number of production order delivery notes

Production order delivery notes

production_order_delivery_note_numberYesThe number of the production order delivery
supplier_numberYesThe number of the supplier of the production order
supplierYesThe name of the supplier of the production order
currencyYesThe currency of the production order
expected_deliverynullThe expected delivery date of the delivery
notesnullOptionally some notes to the production order delivery
production_order_delivery_note_metaobject{}An object with {"key": "value"} with custom meta data of the production order delivery note. See custom fields for more information
production_order_metaobject{}An object with {"key": "value"} with custom meta data of the production order. See custom fields for more information
linesYesArray of object lines


product_nameYesThe name of the product. This is the name of the product without attributes (Color, Size, etc.)
item_numberYesThe item number of the product. NOTE: This is the number on the product-level, not variant-level. For variant-level refer to sku
attributesYesAn object with {"key": "value"} with the attributes of the variant. This will be Colors, Sizes, etc.
full_nameYesThe name of the product plus its attributes. Use this for delivery notes and packing lists
skuYesThe unique identifier of this specific variant. Use this for identification in your WMS
eannullThe EAN code of this variant
country_of_originnullCountry of origin of the product. This is given as a 2-letter ISO code (DK, DE, etc.)
compositionnullThe composition of the product (materials)
hs_tariff_codenullThe HS Tariff Code of the product
expected_quantityYesThe number of pieces that is expected to be received on the production order delivery

Receiving a production order

Marking a production order as received

Endpoint: POST /3pl/production/receive

production_order_delivery_noteYesObject of production order delivery note

Production order delivery note

production_order_delivery_note_numberYesThe identifier of the production order delivery
linesYesArray of object lines

Delivery note lines

skuYes, if no ean is givenThe SKU of the line
eanYes, if no sku is givenThe EAN of the line
received_quantityYesThe number of pieces that were received


POST /3pl/production/receive

"production_order_delivery_note": {
"production_order_delivery_note_number": "1000-1",
"lines": [
"sku": "1000-Black-S",
"received_quantity": 10
"sku": "1000-Black-M",
"received_quantity": 10